Australia Bushfire Appeal - thank you
Following the devastating bushfires in Australia, in which dozens of people were killed and more than 24 million acres of bush, forest, parks and homes burned, fundraising appeals launched around the world to raise money to help the people and animals affected.
We wanted to do our bit to help. As a Society, we donated £10,000 to the relief efforts, and then held bucket collections in our stores and at Wherstead Park.
We are delighted to announce we've raised an additional £19,356.30 (and counting!) through these generous colleague, member and customer donations. All of the money raised will go to the Australian Mutuals Foundation (AMF) Bushfire Appeal, overseen by the Australian Business Council of Co-operatives and Mutuals (BCCM) to help people and animals in need.
BCCM have shared a video of thanks - watch it here.