Headstones & gravestones In this section Funeral costs & pricing Wimpole Road Service Chapel Drayton Road Service Hall Traditional funeral Attended funeral Direct burial Direct cremation Coffins & caskets Funeral flowers, wreaths & tributes Funeral cars & hearses Headstones & gravestones Order of service Our online memorial tribute service Memories of your loved one can last forever and that’s why our service and support doesn’t stop after the funeral. We can help you create a lasting tribute to your loved one. Our arrangers will work with you to help you create a memorial unique to your loved one. They will guide you through a range of stone choices, memorial shapes and cremation memorials as well as exploring bespoke designs for your loved one. Our funeral arrangers are also on hand to answer any questions you may have around churchyard or cemetery regulations at the chosen final resting place for your loved one as the type of memorial you can have varies from place to place.