If the death was unexpected, because of an accident, sudden or unknown cause, you should contact the emergency services immediately.
Do not touch or move anything before they arrive.
The Coroner will arrange to take your loved one to the hospital. This could mean a delay in registering the death, while the cause of death is established. Advice on this process is available from the Coroner.
As your Funeral Director, we can help with advice and information, including relevant contact details.
When the investigation is concluded and the cause of death established, the Coroner will contact you and inform you of the cause of death. A death certificate will be issued by the Registrar once notified by the Coroner.
The police and other professionals are there to help and guide you when a death occurs in unusual circumstances. It can be difficult to take things in when you’re unprepared for someone dying, so it’s a good idea to write down any information you’re given verbally.