Too Good To Go Top Tips #3
Is food waste making you go bananas?
If you find bananas in your Magic Bag, you need not relegate them to the bin. Check out these five top tips for making use of overripe bananas:
1. Banana bread
For this, you’ll need at least three overripe bananas, 55g of butter (melted), ½ teaspoon of baking powder, a pinch of salt, egg (beaten), a drop of vanilla extract, 110g sugar and 160g plain flour.
First, grease a suitable loaf pan which you can cook your banana bread in. Then, mash up bananas with a fork until smooth.

Stir in your melted butter and your baking powder, your pinch of salt, the egg (beaten), a drop of vanilla extract, the sugar, and your flour. Pour the batter in your loaf pan and bake at 180C for about hour (or until golden brown). Stick a wooden skewer in the centre to check that the bread has baked throughout. Let it cool before serving. If you don’t use it all straight away, it can always be frozen for eating at another time.
2. Banana ice cream
This recipe is quick and easy. Take however many overripe bananas you have and chop them into small chunks, before wrapping in foil and freezing. Once frozen solid, chuck them in a blender and mix until smooth. Slowly add milk until the consistency is right. Serve immediately or freeze for later. You could always add sweets or chocolate sauce to make more fun!
3. Banana smoothie
There’s not much to this one either! Using a knife, cut a banana into slices and throw in to a blender. Mix it round until smooth. Add milk or natural yoghurt for a silky consistency. Add other flavours to this one if you like – maybe honey, chocolate, or soft fruits.

4. Banana porridge
If you’re making porridge for the first meal of your day, have you thought about making use of that last banana in the fruit bowl to add some flavour to your breakfast? Simply whip up some porridge in the way you normally do. Mash up half of a banana and stir through. You can add some honey too for a sweeter flavour. When your porridge is ready, chop the remaining half of your banana up into thin slices and use to decorate.
5. Freeze your bananas for later
It’s possible to freeze your bananas for use later. For best results, try to freeze as they begin to show signs of turning overripe, instead of waiting until they turn brown all over. Peel each banana and either place the whole fruit on top of an ice cube tray or cut into slices and place these on top of a tray.

Place these in the freezer and wait until they’re frozen solid. Once they’ve frozen solid, remove from the freezer and place in a sealable freezer bag.
Alternatively, you can mash your bananas first and then freeze this in sealable freezer bags.

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