Funeral cars & hearses In this section Funeral costs & pricing Wimpole Road Service Chapel Drayton Road Service Hall Traditional funeral Attended funeral Direct burial Direct cremation Coffins & caskets Funeral flowers, wreaths & tributes Funeral cars & hearses Headstones & gravestones Order of service Our online memorial tribute service We understand that making the final journey with your loved one is an important part of the grieving process – and being able to travel with family and friends can be of great comfort. We will do all we can to help create the perfect route, encompassing a favourite place or view, whether the local pub, the seaside or a football ground. From traditional hearse or a majestic horse and carriage, to a motorcycle hearse for those who preferred life on two wheels or even our full length trike hearse – there are many different options to choose from. We've dealt with many unique funeral transport requests over the years, using lorries, tractors and other vehicles with sentimental value.