Anti-social behaviour useful contacts In this section Anti-social behaviour useful contacts Building Safer & Thriving Communities Conference -- Thank you for registering your interest Our Community Projects How can my business help prevent anti-social behaviour? Litter /rubbish Recommended organisation/s How can they help? Contact number Email address Website Local Council Enviromental health team Link Ipswich Borough Council Flytipping, litter bin problem General enquiries – 01473 432000 Link Ipswich Borough Council Flytipping, litter bin problem Cleaner Ipswich – 01473 433000 Link Ipswich Borough Council Flytipping, litter bin problem Environmental – 01473 433115 Link Suffolk Constabulary Fly-tipping 999 – but only if the offence is being committed at the time of the call Vehicle related nuisance & inappropriate vehicle use Recommended organisation/s How can they help? Contact number Email address Web address Suffolk Constabulary Problem-solving and enforcement work. 101 (or 999 for emergencies only) Link Local Councils Abandoned vehicles Link Street drinking & begging Recommended organisation/s How can they help? Contact number Email address Web address Suffolk Constabulary – Safer Neighbourhood Teams Problem-solving and enforcement work. 101 (or 999 for emergencies only) Link Ipswich Central (Ipswich only) Street Ranger team, support for local businesses Email Link Ipswich Housing Action Group (IHAG) & Ipswich Locality Homelessness Partnership (ILHP) based at the Chapman Centre, Black Horse Lane, Ipswich Help & support for members of street community 01473 232426 Link Local Council ASB or Community Safety team Problem-solving and partnership work Link Rough sleeper support team (West Suffolk Councils) Street community Drug/substance misuse & drug dealing Recommended organisation/s How can they help? Contact number Email address Web address Anglia Care Trust Housing, Drug & Alcohol Outreach Recovery Service 01473 622888 Email Link Suffolk Constabulary Problem-solving and enforcement work. 101 (or 999 for emergencies only) Link Local Councils Drug-related litter – safe collection & disposal Link Ipswich Borough Council Drug-related litter – safe collection & disposal 01473 433000 (Cleaner Ipswich Hotline – IBC) Email Link Turning Point (Ipswich & Bury Public health & substance misuse 01473 220240 (Ipswich) or 01284 766554 (Bury) or 01502 531138 (Lowestoft) Email Noise Recommended organisation/s How can they help? Contact number Email address Web address Local Council Environmental health team Link Ipswich Environmental Health Team 01473 433115 Email Link Rowdy / Nuisance behaviour Recommended organisation/s How can they help? Contact number Email address Web address Suffolk Constabulary Problem-solving and enforcement work. 101 (or 999 for emergencies only) Link Local Council ASB or Community Safety team Problem-solving and partnership work Link Ipswich Borough Council Problem-solving and partnership work 01473 433434 (ASB reporting) Email Link Miscellaneous Recommended organisation/s How can they help? Contact number Email address Web address Licensing teams – Local council Taxi Licensing, alcohol and entertainment premises licensing, and more. Link