It can be the most ordinary item that reminds you of a loved one or a memory you shared together; a keyring, a treat tin or even a scent.

Read through Kat, Deb, Jess, Niall and Laura’s stories of their own sentimental items that they keep close.

We know it’s the personal touches that help make a funeral special, it means everything to us, because it means everything to you.

Kat's Story: Nan's Treat Tin

Nan loved to bake. It’s one of the ways she showed her love for us all.

Jess' Story: Auntie Izzie's Fridge Magnets

Auntie Izz was more than just a family friend. She was family.

Deb's Story: Dad's Bracelet

Dad made this bracelet. Well I say bracelet, it was meant to be a bookmark.

Niall's Story: Dad's Silver Dollar

The silver dollar keyring never left his keys for the 48 years until he passed.

Laura's Story: Grandmas Lavender Doll

Grandma loved holidaying in Norfolk. Every time she went, she’d bring me back a lavender doll.

We know it can be the smallest detail that makes the biggest difference. Adding those personal touches to a funeral means everything to us because it means everything to you.

Our colleagues are by your side every step of the way. 

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