Where can I find support?

In this section

We know that things may feel difficult right now, so we've brought together some links and information for organisations in our region that could help you.

If you're looking for your nearest foodbank that is supported by the East of England Co-op, you can find them by clicking the button below. 

Local Foodbanks We Support

Apply for NHS Healthy Start

Apply for NHS Healthy Start

Helping you buy more healthy essentials

Did you know that we can boost the value of your NHS Healthy Start card from £4.25 per week to £5 in our food stores? Click the link below to check if you're eligible for NHS Healthy Start and apply for a card: 


Colchester Foodbank

Colchester Foodbank


Tel: 01206 621998

Emai: info@colchester.foodbank.org.uk

Citizens Advice

Citizens Advice

Collaboration with Suffolk & Norfolk Councils

Click to find out more on their website!

Norwich Foodbank

Norwich Foodbank

Norwich, Norfolk

Tel: 0300 365 1123

Email: admin@norwich.foodbank.org.uk

Ipswich, Suffolk

Tel: 01473 833351

Mid and North East Essex Mind

Mid and North East Essex Mind

Support for Mental Health

Website: www.nmessexmind.org
Tel: 01206 764600

Support for Mental Health

Website: www.suffolkmind.org.uk
Tel: 0300 111 6000

Support for Mental Health

Website: www.norfolkandwaveneymind.org.uk
Tel: 0300 330 5488

Government Information

Government Information

Information on the Cost of Living

Website: http://ow.ly/8tRv50JJEuV



