
We have proudly served local communities in the East of England since 1846. Today we have over 120 branches across Norfolk, Suffolk, Essex and Cambridgeshire offering food retail and Post Office services, among a wide range of businesses.

We’re proud to celebrate local produce in our stores each day through our own award-winning Sourced Locally initiative, working with over 100 producers to bring thousands of products to our shelves. 

We also offer a wide range of everyday essentials, which means when you pop to your local co-op you can pick up all you need and you’ll be supporting a local business.

Online Shopping

Book same-day slots for delivery or pick up and we’ll prepare your shopping for you.

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Sourced Locally

We offer fabulous food and drink from East Anglia, created with passion by our outstanding local producers.

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Our products

We were founded 150 years ago to provide good quality, honest produce. Today, we continue to make this commitment, whilst also supporting local producers, Fairtrade farmers and the environment.

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